Delaware Court
Reviews Fundamental Contract Law
In a trio of recent decisions,
Delaware courts have reviewed some fundamental principles of contract law.
In Chyronhego Corp. v. Wight, C.A. No. 2017-0548-SG (Del. Ch. July 31,
2018), the court reviewed anti-reliance clauses, explaining what is necessary
for one to be effective and applying the one at in the contract at issue. HEREIS A LINK to that decision.
Another decision, Flowshare, LLC v. Georesults Inc., C.A.
N17C-07-227 EMD-CCLD (July 25, 2018), addresses whether an integration clause
bars enforcement of promises made with respect to future performance and a
fraudulent inducement claim. HERE IS A LINK to that decision.
Last, CSH Theaters L.L.C. v. Nederlander of San Francisco Associates, C.A.
No. 9380-VCMR (Del. Ch. July 31, 2018), decided in the context of the question
of whether alleged conversations were enough to create an enforceable contract,
provides an exhaustive review of the Delaware law on what is required to create
an enforceable agreement. HERE IS A LINK to that decision.
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