Control of a Single Member LLC: In re
In a decision handed down in May, a Tennessee Bankruptcy
Court considered who would have control of a single-member LLC whose sole owner
was in bankruptcy. In this instance it
was held that the member’s bankruptcy filing conveyed both the economic and
management rights of the member to the bankruptcy estate and the trustee. In re Thomas, 2020 WL 2569993 (Bankr. W.D.
Tenn. May 8, 2020).
This decision was rendered in response to a motion by the
trustee for an order directing that both the economic and the management rights
of the bankrupt be in the estate to the effect that the chapter 11 trustee is
the only authorized representative of an LLC. The debtor was the sole member of
the LLC, and the Tennessee LLC Act (as do most of the acts across the country)
provides that a member is disassociated (i.e., ceases to be a member and
ceases to have the right to participate in the LLC’s management) upon the
member filing bankruptcy. Tenn. Code Ann.
§ 48-249-503(a)(7)(A); id.
§ 48-249-505(a)(1). The only management rights that are reserved are those to
participate in the LLC’s winding up is the LLC is to be terminated. The
conflict was framed by the Court as follows:
At issue … is the question of a trustee in bankruptcy’s
governance rights with respect to a [LLC] wholly owned by a debtor before the
commencement of a voluntary bankruptcy case. The Trustee argues that by virtue
of the filing of the bankruptcy petition and his appointment as Trustee, he
holds both the financial rights and governance rights that make up the
membership interest in TI Properties. Ms. Thomas argues that the Trustee holds
only the financial rights but not the governance rights. The Debtor insists that
the filing of his bankruptcy petition did not constitute a transfer of his
governance rights under Tennessee law. 2020 WL 2569993, *1.
Under the Tennessee LLC Act a “membership interest” includes
both the “financial rights” and the “governance rights.” Tenn.
Code Ann. §§ 48-249-102(22), (11) and (13). Absent contractually agreed to limitations
upon doing so, the financial rights are freely transferable, but the transferee
has no right to participate in the LLC’s management. Tenn.
Code Ann. § 48-249-507(b).
In reviewing the statute the court determined that in
multi-member LLCs a member’s bankruptcy filing results in the transfer and
therefore termination of the debtor’s governance rights, but not of the
financial rights, citing In re Albright, 291 B.R. 538, n. 7 (Bankr. D.
Colo. 2003). However, Thomas the court concluded that there must be
something different when the subject LLC had as its sole member the person in
[T]his case presents the question of governance rights when
the sole member of a single-member limited liability company files a petition
in bankruptcy. The Tennessee Revised Act appears to limit a trustee in
bankruptcy to the exercise of only those governance rights needed to wind up
the affairs of the limited liability company reserved to a member whose
membership interest is terminated. The Tennessee Revised Act does not address
the governance rights of a single-member limited liability company when the
membership interest terminates as the result of the filing of a bankruptcy
petition but the trustee in bankruptcy desires to continue the business of the
LLC for the benefit of creditors of the bankruptcy estate. 2020 WL 2569993, *3.
The Trustee argued that the provision of the LLC Act
stripping a member of governance rights consequent to filing for bankruptcy was
an invalid ipso facto clause, and that the governance rights became
property of the estate, exercisable by the trustee, just as are the financial
rights. Thomas would argue that even if the financial rights became property of
the estate, the non-transferable governance rights remain with the now bankrupt
debtor who continues to be vested with the authority to manage the LLC. The Court would hold that in a single-member
LLC, a member’s bankruptcy petition results in the transfer (under § 541(a)(1)
of the Bankruptcy Code) of all aspects of the membership interest, financial
and governance, to the trustee.
The Trustee is correct. Upon the filing of his bankruptcy
petition, all the Debtor’s interests in property, both legal and equitable,
became property of his bankruptcy estate. The Tennessee Revised Act defines the
membership interest of a member in an LLC as personal property. As such, it
became property of the bankruptcy estate upon the filing of the bankruptcy
petition. The Tennessee Revised Act attempts to prevent this result by
providing for the “termination” of a membership interest upon the filing of a
petition in bankruptcy by a member. This result is preempted, however, by section 541(c)(1)(B) of the Bankruptcy Code. 2020
WL 2569993, *37.
FYI, the debtor is identified as William Thomas, and in
several cases the decision uses male pronouns in refereeing to the debtor. There are however numerous references to the
debtor with “Ms.” and “she.”
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