Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Business Courts - They Are Coming to Kentucky

Business Courts - They Are Coming to Kentucky

      On Friday, June 14, at the KBA Annual Convention, the KBA Section of Business Law will be presenting Business Courts - They Are Coming To Kentucky.
      Pursuant to an order of the Kentucky Supreme Court, there is being launched, on a pilot program basis, a business court docket in Jefferson County Circuit Court. Judges Cunningham and Bisig will be the initial judges assigned to this docket.
      At this two-hour program, our panel will review the path by which the business court docket has come into existence and as well consider a variety of topics that remain under discussion including the special rules applicable with respect to the business court docket and the criteria for designating cases to that docket. There will also be consideration of how business courts/dockets have developed across the country. We anticipate ample opportunity for questions from the audience.
      Presenting on Kentucky’s new business court docket will be, from the Kentucky Supreme Court, Chief Justice John D. Minton, Jr. and Deputy Chief Justice Lisabeth Hughes. They will be joined by Jefferson County Circuit Court Judges Angela McCormick Bisig and Charles Cunningham and by Judge James L. Gale from the North Carolina Business Court. Kenly Ames of English Lucas Priest & Owsley, LLP will serve as the moderator.
      This presentation will be held on Friday, June 14 commencing at 10:10 and concluding at 12:20 (there will be a 10 minute break in the program). It will take place in the French Room at the Galt House Hotel.

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