Erasmus — Prince of the Humanist
Today is the anniversary of the birth of Erasmus of Rotterdam, the Prince of the Humanist. Erasmus devoted his career and his mastery of Latin and Greek to translating and commenting upon sacred texts including a new translation of the Bible and non-sacred literature such as the writings of Seneca. Along the way he wrote the Colloquies and the Adages, social commentary such as the Praise of Folly and on the need for internal reform of church practices including the Julius Exclusus.
He and Sir Thomas More were the best of friends, and the Praise of Folly was written while he was staying with More.
It’s not that I think a lot of Erasmus, it’s just that I have copies of his portrait hanging in both my house and my office.
While we are sure that October 28 is the date of his birth, we are not sure of the year. Strong cases can be made for 1466 and 1469.
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