Today marks the anniversary of the death of Cardinal Thomas Wolsey, Archbishop of York, Lord Chancellor of England and Abbott of St. Albans.
He was in his age a force of nature in England.
This blog, written by Thomas E. Rutledge, focuses primarily on business entity law in Kentucky. Postings on contract law, contractual and statutory construction, and the entity law of other jurisdictions appear as well. There may as well be some random discussions of classical, medieval and renaissance history.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Standing in Dispute Among Members of LLC
in Dispute Among Members of LLC
November 16, the Kentucky Court of Appeals issued a decision addressing whether
the member of an LLC has standing, in his own name, to bring an action
asserting various claims including that the other member(s) has
violated fiduciary duties. It also
addresses a claim for wrongful termination of employment of a member by an LLC.
Chou v. Chilton, 2012 WL 5626184 (Ky. App. Nov. 16, 2012).
As I was involved in this dispute I will not
say more beyond recommending it to you.
Delaware Supreme Court Sidesteps Question of Default Fiduciary Duties in LLCs
Delaware Supreme Court Sidesteps
Question of Default Fiduciary Duties in LLCs While Squarely Head-Butting
Chancellor Strine
It had been hoped that
the decision of the Delaware Supreme Court in Gatz Properties v. Auriga would resolve the question as to what
are, if any, the default fiduciary duties imposed by the Delaware LLC Act. In
the end, the Delaware Supreme Court has managed to avoid this question, finding
that the contractual standards set forth in the limited liability company
agreement of the LLC at issue provided a standard; consequently, the issue of a
default duty in the absence of agreed contractual standard was not before the
Court. At the same time, the Supreme Court, in a per curiam decision, chastised Chancellor Strine for his decision’s
expansive explication of the question of what would be those default duties. Gatz Properties, LLC v. Auriga Capital Corp.,
___ A.2d ___, 2012 WL 5425227, 2012 Del.
LEXIS 577 (Del. Nov. 7, 2012), affirming 40 A.3d 389 (Del. Ch. 2012).
Facts of the Dispute
Peconic Bay LLC was organized
to hold a leasehold interest in certain property, to develop the property into
a golf course, and to sublease the property to a golf course operator. The Gatz
family and their affiliates held over 85% of the Class A and over 52% of the
Class B membership interests in Peconic Bay.
By 2004 the golf course was
failing and Gatz believed that the lease operator planned to exercise its early
termination rights under the sublease. Instead of attempting to identify a new lessee
to operate the golf course, Gatz hatched a plan intending that he could
purchase Peconic Bay at a distressed price. Among other things, Gatz
discouraged a potential third-party purchaser, provided misleading information
to minority members about potential buyers, including understating their interest
in the property, and conducted a “sham” auction. Gatz, the only bidder at the
auction, purchased Peconic Bay. The minority members of Peconic Bay, LLC
(“Peconic Bay”), sued Gatz Properties, LLC (“Gatz Properties”), the manager of
Peconic Bay, and William Gatz (“Gatz”), who owned and controlled Gatz
Properties, arguing that Gatz Properties breached its fiduciary duties. The
Court of Chancery ruled in favor of the plaintiffs on both contractual and
statutory grounds, from which ruling the defendants appealed.
Where the Supreme
Court and the Chancery Court Agreed
Delaware Supreme Court affirmed the finding that Gatz/Gatz Properties
(collectively “Gatz”) violated the contracted-for fiduciary duty by refusing to
negotiate with a third-party bidder and causing the company to be sold to
himself at an unfair price in the flawed action. The relevant contractual
provision of the LLC Agreement provided:
Neither the Manager nor any other
Member shall be entitled to cause the Company to enter into any amendment of
any of the Initial Affiliate Agreements which would increase the amounts paid
by the Company pursuant thereto, or enter into any additional agreements with
affiliates on terms and conditions which are less favorable to the Company than
the terms and conditions of similar agreements which could then be entered into
with arms-length third parties, without the consent of a majority of the
non-affiliated Members (such majority to be deemed to be the holders of 66-2/3%
of all Interests which are not held by affiliates of the person or entity that
would be a party to the proposed agreement).
The Supreme Court wrote,
“[v]iewed functionally, the quoted language is the contractual equivalent of
the entire fairness equitable standard of conduct and judicial review.” It further determined that Gatz had acted in
bad faith, in consequence of which Gatz was not entitled to the benefit of an exculpation
and indemnification provision, of the LLC Agreement, it containing a carve-out
for acts of gross negligence, willful misconduct or willful misrepresentation.
Where the Supreme
Court and the Chancery Court Disagreed
disposed of the matter on the basis of the contract at issue and its definition
of what were the manager’s fiduciary obligations, the Delaware Supreme Court
held that the Court of Chancery acted improperly in addressing whether and what
default fiduciary duties apply when the LLC agreement is silent on the issue.
The Supreme Court characterized the Court of Chancery’s determination that
default fiduciary duties exist “as dictum
without any precedential value.”
Court of Chancery had held that the “Delaware Limited Liability Company Act
imposes ‘default’ fiduciary duties upon LLC managers and controllers unless the
parties to the LLC Agreement contract that such duties do not apply.” The Supreme Court found that the issue had not
been properly raised below, and that in any event it need not have been reached
given the explicit duties detailed in the LLC Agreement. Moreover, according to
the Delaware Supreme Court, “the merits of the issue whether the LLC statute
does — or does not — impose default fiduciary duties is one about which
reasonable minds could differ” and one that has not previously been decided by
the Delaware Supreme Court. The Supreme Court expressed its view that one could
reasonably conclude the LLC statute is “consciously ambiguous” in that regard,
and suggested that the “‘organs of the Bar’ . . may be well advised to consider
urging the General Assembly to resolve any statutory ambiguity on this issue.”
Some Other Background
The views of Chancellor Strine
to the effect that there do exist default fiduciary duties in the Delaware LLC
Act runs directly contrary to a position previously taken by Chief Justice
Steele. Rather, in Freedom of Contract and Default Contractual Fiduciary Duties in
Delaware Limited Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies, 46 Am. Bus. L. J. 221 (Summer 2009), he
posited that there are no default fiduciary duties in limited partnerships or
LLCs organized Delaware law.
Chancellor’s Strine’s opinion in Gatz
is directly contrary to this view.
What This Decision Means in Kentucky
At the broadest level, this
decision has no impact upon Kentucky law.
The Delaware LLC Act is silent as to the fiduciary duties owed by a
member or manager. It is consequent to
that silence that there exists a dispute as to whether fiduciary duties exist
in that form, and if they do exist, what are they. Kentucky’s LLC Act, in contrast, specifies
default fiduciary duties that may then be modified in a written operating
agreement. See KRS § 275.170. Where the
written operating agreement does not provide otherwise, the statutory
provisions apply. See KRS § 275.003(8). Hence,
in Kentucky, there cannot be a questions of “what are the fiduciary duties when
the operating agreement is silent”; the statute has already addressed that
On a slightly more subtle
level, this decision highlights the danger of knee-jerk reference to Delaware
law. While it is indeed true that on
many manners Delaware serves as the best authority when Kentucky law does not
address a point, that reference presupposes that the policies of Delaware and
Kentucky bear some high degree of similarity.
As to this specific point, in that Kentucky has defined what are the
default fiduciary duties in an LLC, it is ultimately of no concern what
Delaware may ultimately resolve to be the default fiduciary duties in LLCs
organized in that jurisdiction. Where
Kentucky law has spoken to a point, the reference to foreign law as to its
interpretation and application needs to be restricted to those states that have
made similar determinations. As such, an
Arkansas decision as to the fiduciary duties in LLCs, the Arkansas LLC Act
being, as to that point, nearly identical to that in Kentucky, would be far
more availing than would be a reference to Delaware law.
The last impact of this
decision in Kentucky, and this is a bifurcated point, is upon
practitioners. Initially, with an
appreciation that the Kentucky and Delaware Acts are so dissimilar from one
another, there should come as well the realization that mastery of the Kentucky
LLC Act does not qualify one to practice in Delaware LLCs. Initially, the significant differences
between the Kentucky and Delaware Acts often precludes skill transfer between
the two forms. Second, with Delaware’s
reliance upon its own contract law as the background against which LLCs
agreements are drafted, one must, in order to effectively draft and interpret
Delaware LLC agreements, master not only the LLC Act but the full range of Delaware’s
contract law.
The second arm of this
bifurcated point is that practitioners who aspire to draft operating agreements
in multiple jurisdictions, even if limited only to Kentucky and Delaware, need
to have a careful appreciation of the background against which the operating
agreement is written. In drafting an
operating agreement for a Kentucky LLC that is silent as to fiduciary duties,
you in effect write into the agreement the statutory default rules. Whether, on a normative matter, with respect
to any particular venture those are the most appropriate rules is a different
question, the answer to which could well land the drafter into hot water for
failure to consider their implications.
In contrast, one who drafts a limited liability company agreement for a
Delaware LLC that is likewise silent as to fiduciary duties has introduced a
significant ambiguity into the relationship, namely what fiduciary duties, if
any, apply? The ex post resolution of
that ambiguity likely will be, at minimum, expensive. Failure to appreciate the problem created is
even worse.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Claim for Securities Fraud Dismissed for Lack of Materiality
Acquisition Discussions Not “Material”;
Claim for Securities Fraud Dismissed
In a recent decision, the 6th
Circuit Court Appeals dismissed, on the grounds of lack of materiality, claims
for securities fraud in connection with a shareholder’s sale of shares back to
the corporation and to its President/CEO.
Filing v. Phipps, 2012 WL
5200375 (6th Cir. Oct. 23, 2012).
Filing, an employee of White
Rubber Company, acquired a significant number of shares of the corporation’s
stock. He was offered the opportunity to
sell shares back to the corporation, an offer which he accepted. Ultimately, the corporation, as well as
Phipps, purchased fewer than the total number of offered shares at a price
determined by a third-party valuation.
While the discussions with respect to that purchase were taking place, a
third-party, Norcross, expressed an interest in acquiring White Rubber,
ultimately entering into a confidentiality agreement with respect to those
discussions. The 6th Circuit
noted, however, that Norcross had executed similar confidentiality agreement,
with “dozens” of other possible
acquisition targets. Those discussions
ultimately broke down when White Rubber refused to provide certain requested
due diligence. Shortly after that
breakdown, the closing took place on the sale by Filing of stock to White
Rubber and to Phipps. Several months
later, another set of ultimately aborted discussions regarding the acquisition
by Norcross of White Rubber were initiated.
Then, a year later, after Norcross was recapitalized by its own
acquisition, it acquired White Rubber for $22 million. Although not express in the opinion, Filing
sold his shares based on a company valuation of approximately $4.65
million. Filing then brought suit
against, ultimately, Phipps, the corporation and certain other directors
alleging violations of § 10(b) of the ‘34 Act and Rule 10b-5 thereunder. The trial court granted summary judgment in
favor of the defendants, and appeal to the 6th Circuit followed.
Filing asserted that the
failure to disclosed the discussions between White Rubber and Norcross violated
§10(b) and Rule 10b-5, the latter of which precludes “the making of ‘any untrue
statement of material fact’ or the omission of any material fact ‘necessary to
make the statements made … not misleading.’”
2012 WL 5200375, *2. A fact is
material if “a reasonable shareholder would (1) consider the fact important in
making an investment and (2) view the fact as having significantly altered the
total mix of information available.” Id., citing Basic Inc v. Levinson, 486 U.S. 224, 231-32 (1998). There having been no disclosure of the
potential acquisition, the question turned entirely on whether those
discussions had been material.
Ultimately, in light of the
preliminary, on and off nature of the negotiations between White Rubber and
Norcross, the 6th Circuit affirmed the determination that those
discussions had not been material. The
Court noted as well that it was not until Norcross was itself acquired that a
transaction with White Rubber took place.
Ergo, Filing’s claims for securities fraud were unavailing.
Decision of Trial Court Reversed, Inter Alia, For Lack of Jurisdiction
Decision of Trial
Court Reversed, Inter Alia, For Lack of Jurisdiction
A recent decision of the
Kentucky Court of Appeals discusses a variety of interesting topics including
standing to assert a claim for breach of fiduciary duty, the effectiveness of a
release given to a fiduciary with respect to undisclosed activities and whether
a secret profit earned in connection with the purchase of property by an LLC
constitutes a breach of fiduciary duty.
Ultimately, however, this is all dicta in that the Court of Appeals
determined that the trial court lacked jurisdiction to hear the dispute, it
arising out of a contract containing an exclusive venue clause referring
disputes to Cincinnati, Ohio. Ziegler v. Knock, No. 2008-CA-002160-MR,
2012 WL 5273999 (Ky. App. Oct. 26, 2012).
David Knock and Richard Knock,
members of Knock Investments, LLC and Ziegler Group, owned by Michael Ziegler,
joined together by means of a Membership Interest Purchase Agreement, to form
Knock/Ziegler LLC for the purpose of acquiring a strip mall in Ohio. The Membership Interest Purchase Agreement
contained a warranty from Ziegler that he was not being paid, directly or
indirectly, a sales commission on the transaction. It came to pass that Ziegler, through a
wholly owned LLC, did receive a sales commission on the property acquisition. The Knocks and Knock Investments filed suit
in Boone Circuit Court alleging that the commission was improper, including as
a breach of fiduciary duty. They would
largely prevail at the Boone Circuit Court, receiving a judgment roughly
equivalent to their percentage interest in the LLC multiplied by the amount of
the secret commission. Cross-appeals
were then filed with the Kentucky Court of Appeals.
In what is ultimately dicta,
the Court of Appeals upheld the rulings of the Boone Circuit Court with respect
to: (1) the capacity of the Knocks as individuals, as proper parties to the
litigation (I believe I am in disagreement, on a normative matter, with that
determination; more on it below); (2) that a release entered into between the
parties was not enforceable; (3) that Ziegler did breach his fiduciary duty in
taking the sales commission; and (4) a claim by Ziegler for reimbursement for
tax work performed on behalf of the LLC.
Ultimately, however, none of it mattered. The Membership Interest
Purchase Agreement at issue provided an exclusive venue provision calling for
any litigation to take place in Cincinnati, Ohio. Finding that, inter alia, this provision stripped the Boone Circuit Court of
jurisdiction to hear this dispute, its decision was reversed.
of Venue Upheld an Appeal
It is curious that the Court of
Appeals was able to determine that the choice of venue clause is valid and
enforceable. In Midnight Terror Productions, LLC v. Winterland, Inc., 2012 WL
5457530 (Ky. App. Nov. 9, 2012) (reviewed here in November 14), in response to
a challenge to the legitimacy of a venue clause, the Court of Appeals directed
that that determination needed to be made by the trial court and on that basis
remanded for a decision on the merits.
While the court wrote that “Nothing in the record demonstrates that Prudential Resources Corporation (v. Plunkett, 583 S.W.2d 97 (Ky. App.
1979)) should operate to void the application of the choice of venue clause in
the Membership Interest Purchase Agreement,” neither does it recite that the
various factors set forth therein have been considered by either the trial
court or the Court of Appeals.
This opinion gives far too few facts
to come any binding conclusions as to the standing, but further understanding
would be helpful. It appears that the
Knocks held their entire interest in the LLC that was the acquirer of the
property through an LLC. Normally, to
the extent there was any breach of fiduciary duty, that duty would have been
owed to the LLC that was itself a member of the purchaser LLC; the Knocks as
individuals, would not have individual standing to object. The opinion does not specify, however,
whether the Knocks individually or their LLC were the signatories to the Membership
Interest Purchase Agreement.
of Fiduciary Duty
It is unfortunate that the decision
of the Boone Circuit Court’s as supported (in dicta) by this holding of the
Court of Appeals must ultimately be ignored.
Clearly, the earning of an undisclosed commission on the LLC’s
acquisition of property, unless specifically disclosed and approved by the
disinterested members (see KRS §
275.170), is a breach of fiduciary duty.
See also Thomas E. Rutledge
and Thomas Earl Geu, The Analytic
Protocol for the Duty of Loyalty Under the Prototype LLC Act, 63 Arkansas Law Review 473 (2010). At the same time it is not clear that
recourse to fiduciary duty law was necessary.
Ziegler warranted that he was not to receive a commission when in fact
he was. Clearly he violated his
warranty, a matter that can be resolved as a straight-forward breach of
contract action.
Saturday, November 17, 2012
So Begins Gloriana
So Begins Gloriana
On this day in 1558 Mary
Tudor, who would later have foisted upon her the moniker "Bloody,"
died, leaving the English throne to her half-sister Elizabeth. Where Mary's
reign of just over 5 years was one of tumult at the highest political levels,
for at least a significant and perhaps a majority of the population it was a
return to the preferred old ways, a view put forth expertly by Professor
Scarisbrick in his The Reformation and the English People. Elizabeth's
reign would by contrast be seen as one of peace and growth, later dubbed the
Gloriana. Elizabeth would rule until 1603.
Friday, November 16, 2012
Using the Corporation as Your Personal Piggybank
When You Use the Corporation as Your Personal Piggybank,
Don’t Be Surprised When Your Creditors Do So
As Well
It axiomatic, all else being
equal, the assets of a corporation are not the property of corporation’s
shareholders. A concept identified under
a number of labels including “asset partitioning,” while the shareholder may
own 100% of the corporation, that ownership does not translate into an
ownership interest in the corporation assets.
Sometimes, however, all else is not equal, and shareholders treat the
corporation assets as their own. As
reviewed in a recent decision by the Kentucky Court of Appeals, when a shareholder
acts in that manner, they should not be surprised when their creditors are
permitted to do so as well. Caswell v. Richardson, 2012 WL 5457402
(Ky. App. Nov. 9, 2012).
Richardson held a judgment
against Caswell and sought to enforce it by a garnishment action served against
C. Caswell, Inc., a corporation wholly owned by Caswell. The corporation made no response to that
garnishment order, and Richardson filed a motion to hold both Caswell and the
corporation in contempt. Following a
hearing on the contempt motion (the decision does not recite whether or not
either Caswell or the corporation appears thereat), the corporation was found
to be in possession of Caswell’s property, that it had failed to file a timely
affidavit, and that civil sanctions in the amount of $25,000 were
appropriate. The corporation was
afforded the opportunity to purge the contempt by answering the garnishment
The corporation did finally
respond through an affidavit from Caswell denying that the corporation held any
of his property. That affidavit denied
that the corporation had any net assets, whereupon Richardson was granted the
opportunity to subpoena the corporation’s bank records.
The inspection of the bank
records demonstrated that corporation assets were being dispersed for Caswell’s
personal expenses:
In her motion, Richardson alleged
that Caswell had been untruthful in his affidavit. She contended that the corporation’s bank
statements showed that the business had made substantial withdrawals to pay
Caswell’s expenses of a purely personal nature soon after its receipt of the
garnishment order in May.
The trial court held an
evidentiary hearing whereupon it found that:
Caswell regularly deposited money in
the corporate bank account and freely accessed any and all funds held by the
corporation. The court determined that
Christopher Caswell’s affidavit filed in answer to the order of garnishment was
intended merely to thwart Richardson’s efforts to collect on the judgment.
In light of his actions,
Caswell was fined $14,853.18 payable to Richardson, was sentenced to 24 days of
jail, was ordered to pay Richardson’s attorney’s fees; there was as well
assessed against the corporation a contempt penalty in the amount of
$1,482.00. On appeal, Caswell argued
that the trial court was in error in concluding that the corporation held
assets belonging to him. Based upon his
own testimony to the effect that he used the corporation as his personal
piggybank, the Court of Appeals rejected that assertion:
In support of his argument, Caswell
relies on the affidavit and testimony of Belinda Pinotti, accountant for
Caswell and his corporation. Pinotti
indicated to the court that as of the day on which the garnishment was served,
there was no money to which Caswell was entitled. In light of this testimony,
Caswell objects to the court’s conclusion that the corporation was, in fact,
holding money that belonged to him.
At the hearing, Caswell indicated to
the court that he had routinely paid personal expenses from the corporate bank
account and that he “knew it was my business’s money, but ... if I did not have
the money in my personal account, yes, I used it at my leisure.” From an
abundance of testimony in a similar vein, the trial court concluded that the
corporation was a mere instrumentality and that all the funds held in the
corporate account on the day the garnishment was served “was for all intents
and purposes being held for Mr. Caswell to do with as he pleased.”
Opinion and Order at 5. The trial court did not err by concluding from the
evidence presented that the corporation held money belonging to Caswell.
In response to the defense that
in fact he had not lied on his affidavit, again the Court of Appeals was able
to reject his argument based upon his own testimony:
While Caswell indicated in his
affidavit that the funds in the corporate bank account were all tagged for
disbursement to contractors and suppliers, he admitted that he wrote checks
from the corporate account in May 2009 to pay off the loan on his Mercedes-Benz
and to pay his home mortgage and that he otherwise generally used the corporate
account as his own. Although he denied that he had lied or willfully refused to
obey the court's garnishment order, the trial court concluded from his
testimony that Caswell's affidavit was patently false and that he had intended
by this falsehood to avoid the order of garnishment by perpetrating this
deception. The record contains ample proof to refute any claim of an abuse of
The Court of Appeals was able
to summarily dispose of assertion that the trial court was prejudiced against
Caswell and that somehow Richardson was acting in bad faith in seeking to
enforce the judgment.
Limited liability, the rule
that the shareholders are not, by reasons of that status, liable for the debts
and obligations of the corporation, is oft (incorrectly) cited as the sine qua non of the corporation. Just as important as that rule is its flip
side, namely that the corporation is a legal entity distinct from the
shareholders and that the corporation’s assets are not available to satisfy the
shareholders’ debts and obligations.
These rules, however, assume that the corporate form is being
appropriately utilized. The rule of
shareholder limited liability from the debts and obligations of the corporation
may be, in appropriate circumstances, set aside under doctrines including
piercing the veil. As demonstrated by
this case, efforts to rely upon the asset segregation aspects of the
corporation can similarly be set aside when the corporate form is abused.
Kentucky's State Language
Kentucky Has Some
Strange Laws – The State Language
Did you know that Kentucky has
an official state language? It
does. KRS § 2.013 provides:
English is designated as the
official state language of Kentucky.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Remand to the Trial Court to Assess Venue Clause
Remand to the Trial
Court to Assess Venue Clause
In a recent decision, the
Kentucky Court of Appeals directed that, in response to a challenge to the
legitimacy of a choice of venue clause, the matter be remanded to the trial
court for specific findings. Midnight Terror Productions, LLC v.
Winterland, Inc., 2012 WL 5457530 (Ky. App. Nov. 9, 2012).
Midnight Terror Productions,
LLC, a Kentucky LLC, entered into a contract (the “JV Agreement”) with
Winterland, a corporation based in Indiana.
The JV Agreement between Midnight Terror and Winterland contained a
provision in the nature of a non-compete precluding Winterland from being
involved in any similar lighting event within 50 miles of that planned between
Midnight Terror and Winterland. That
contract, which contained a choice of law clause requiring that any dispute be
resolved in Grant County, Indiana, in turn obligated Winterland to enter into a
separate agreement (the “License Agreement”) with the Louisville/Jefferson
County Metro Parks Department (“Metro Parks”).
That License Agreement provided, in the event of any dispute, for venue
in a federal or state court within the Western District of Kentucky; Midnight
Terror was not a party to the License Agreement.
Seeking damages based upon
Winterland’s alleged failure to complete delivery of the lighting displays by
the JV Agreement’s contractual deadline as well as its participation in another
lighting event alleged to violate the non-compete provision, Midnight Terror
filed a breach of contract action in Jefferson Circuit Court. In reliance upon the exclusive venue clause
directing that all disputes would be heard in Grant County, Indiana, Winterland
filed a motion to dismiss. The trial
court granted that motion, writing:
The terms of paragraph 16 of the
agreement [the venue clause] are not unconscionable as defined in Conseco Finance Servicing Corp. v. Wilder,
47 S.W.3d 335, 341 (Ky. App. 2001) and (sic) therefore fully enforceable. A fundamental rule of contract law holds
that, absent fraud in the inducement, a written agreement duly executed by the
party to be held, who had an opportunity to read it, will be enforced according
to its terms. Conseco at 341.
Midnight Terror appealed on the
basis that (i) the forum selection clause in the License Agreement between
Winterland and Metro Parks should control over that in the Midnight
Terror/Winterland JV Agreement and that (ii) the forum selection clause
directing that disputes be resolved in Grant County, Indiana is unfair or
unreasonable. While Midnight Terror was
unsuccessful on the first of these arguments, as to the second they at least
lived to fight another day.
As to the assertion that the
Western District of Kentucky forum selection clause of the License Agreement
between Winterland and the Metro Parks should control, the court noted that the
License Agreement was separate and independent from the Winterland/Midnight
Terror JV Agreement, and that the License Agreement made no reference to the
other document.
There is no indication that the
provisions of the License Agreement were intended to govern the contract
dispute that has arisen between Midnight Terror and Winterland. The subject matter of the License Agreement
is distinct and separate from the substance of the dispute at issue. Consequently, we hold that the
forum-selection provision included in the License Agreement is neither superior
to the provision in the [JV] Agreement nor is it relevant to these proceedings.
Turning to the question of the
validity forum selection clause, the court began by noting the general rule
that “Forum selection clauses are presumed to be valid and enforceable in
Kentucky unless the party opposing enforcement can demonstrate that
circumstances render the clause unfair or unreasonable,” citing Prezocki v. Bullock Garages, Inc., 938
S.W.2d 888 (Ky. 1997). In making that
assessment, the trial court is to weigh a number of factors including:
the inconvenience to
the parties of holding the trial in the specified forum;
the inconvenience to
witnesses of holding the trial in the specified forum;
the inconvenience of
accessing other proof by holding the trial in the specified forum;
the disparity in
bargaining power that existed between the parties at the time the contract was
executed; and
whether the state in
which the incident occurred has at least a minimal interest in the action.
Midnight Terror cited a variety
of justifications for the Court of Appeals setting aside the venue clause,
including its small size, the residence of the witnesses in or near Louisville
and its lack of ties to Grant County, Indiana.
It cited as well, consequent to its small size, its inability to “resist
oppressive clauses included in Winterland’s contracts.” Last, it asserted that Kentucky had the
greatest interest in the action since the contract was to be performed there,
and it was in Kentucky that the alleged breach took place. Winterland, in contrast, asked the Court of
Appeals to uphold the trial court’s determination that the forum selection
clause is enforceable.
Ultimately, neither party
won. Rather, the matter was remanded to
the trial court for evaluation of the evidence vis-à-vis the factors informing
whether or not a particular forum selection clause would be enforceable.
In a dissent, Judge Thompson
would have upheld the forum selection clause as a matter of substantive law,
and additionally denied relief for failure by Midnight Terror to exercise its
rights under Rule 52.02 for specific findings of fact.
It was incumbent upon the appellant
[Midnight Terror] to request that the trial court make the required findings of
fact as required by CR 52.02 and 52.04.
Under our Rules, the trial court does not have the burden of rendering
findings of fact without a proper motion made by a party, and the trial court
does not have the burden of practicing the case for either party.
The Pledge of Allegiance to the Kentucky Flag
Kentucky Has Some
Strange Laws – The State Pledge of Allegiance
Did you know that Kentucky has
its own pledge of allegiance to the state flag?
It does. KRS § 2.035 provides:
The following shall be the official
pledge of allegiance to the flag of the Commonwealth of Kentucky: “I pledge allegiance to the Kentucky flag and
to the Sovereign State for which it stands, one Commonwealth, blessed with
diversity, natural wealth, beauty and grace from on High.”
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Business Corporation Act Does Not Govern Unincorporated Syndicates
6th Circuit Court of Appeals Confirms that
Kentucky Business
Corporation Act
Does Not Govern Unincorporated Syndicates
In a November 8 decision, the 6th
Circuit Court of Appeals, on an almost summary basis, dismissed the suggestion
that the Kentucky Business Corporation Act and specifically the provisions
thereof affording shareholders the right to inspect corporate records should apply
to an unincorporated syndicate. KNC Investments, LLC v. Lane’s End
Stallions, Inc., 2012 WL 5440032 (6th Cir. 2012).
KNC Investments, a member of an
unincorporated syndicate managed by Lane’s End Stallions and managing the
Thoroughbred Lemon Drop Kid, sought, under both the syndicate agreement and the
Kentucky Business Corporation Act, financial information with respect to the
syndicate as well as the names and contact information of the other syndicate
owners. Those efforts were rejected in a
decision here reviewed on November 30, 2011 (“An Unincorporated Syndicate is Not Governed by Corporate Law.”).
The dispute was then appealed
to the 6th Circuit. The
primary focus of this decision was an effort by Lane’s End to have the appeal
set aside on the basis that the syndicate agreement had been expressly amended
to preclude KNC’s claimed right to inspect the records. The Court of Appeals directed that that
dispute needed to be taken up with the trial judge and not with it. At the same time, however, the court was able
to reject the notion that the document inspection rights afforded under the
Kentucky Business Corporation Act in some manner apply to an unincorporated
We need no additional facts,
however, to reject KNC’s claim that the Kentucky Business Corporations Act
gives it the right to inspect and copy the syndicate’s records. Kentucky law
treats owners of horse-ownership syndicates as tenants in common. See, e.g., Weisbord/Etkin/Goldberg v.
Gainesway Mgmt. Corp., No. 2007-CA-000280-MR, 2008 WL 820950, at *1
(Ky. Ct. App. Mar. 28, 2008). And by its terms, the Business Corporations Act
applies only to corporations, not to unincorporated syndicates. See Ky.
Rev. Stat. §§ 271B.1-400(4) & (10) (distinguishing a “corporation,” which
includes only incorporated for-profit corporations, from an “entity,” which
includes unincorporated associations and persons sharing common economic
interests); id. § 271B.16-020 (giving shareholders only of a “corporation”
the right to inspect and copy corporate records). We thus need no additional
facts to conclude that the district court correctly rejected KNC’s claims under
the Business Corporations Act.
Otherwise the case was remanded
back to the district court.
Kentucky Has Some Strange Laws – The State Drink
Kentucky Has Some
Strange Laws – The State Drink
Did you know that Kentucky has
an official drink? It does. Amazingly, here in the land of bourbon,
bourbon is not the state drink. Rather,
it is milk. KRS § 2.084.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
More on Piercing - The Ky. Ct. App. Discusses Choice of Law and Inter-Tel
Piercing the Veil – The
Kentucky Court of Appeals
Discusses Choice of Law and Applies Inter-Tel
A November 2, 2012 decision of
the Kentucky Court of Appeals has provided helpful guidance with respect to (i)
the question of the applicable law as to piercing the veil of a limited
liability entity and (ii) the application of the Kentucky Supreme Court’s Inter-Tel decision on piercing the
veil. Howell Contractors, Inc. v. Berling, ___ S.W.3d ___, 2012 WL
5371838 (Ky. App. Nov. 2, 2012).
Howell Contractors, Inc.
contracted with Westview Development, LLC, an Ohio limited liability company,
to perform certain services in connection with a subdivision development. Howell ultimately billed Westview for
$1,103,569.63, of which Westview paid $923,902.06, leaving an outstanding
balance of $179,666.67. When the
arrearage was not satisfied, Howell filed suit against Westview, Charles
Berling (Westview’s sole member), and Charles Berling Land Corporation, and
Berling Homes, Inc., it being implied in the opinion that they were either
partially or wholly owned by Berling.
As part of competing motions
for summary judgment, Charles Berling, Berling Land and Berling Homes moved for
dismissal on the basis of absence of liability, they not being parties to the
contract with Howell. In addition, “They
further argued the doctrines of veil-piercing, instrumentality and alter-ego do
not apply to LLCs ….” Summary judgment was granted to Charles Berling and the
Berling entities, while summary judgment against Westview was denied. Ultimately, an agreed judgment was entered in
the amount of $179,666.97 against Westview.
Choice of Law as to Piercing
Initially, the Court noted that
the proper law to apply in determining whether the defendants other than Westview
could be held liable to Howell is that of Ohio (and not that of Kentucky). Referencing the Restatement (2nd) of
Conflicts of Laws § 307 (1971), the Court wrote that “By analogy to corporate
law, the rights, duties, and obligations of an LLC and its members are governed
by Ohio law”, the court going on to then cite a number of cases from various
jurisdictions standing generally for the proposition that piercing analysis
involves the application of the law of the jurisdiction of organization (rather
than the law of the situs of the dispute) should be applied. The application of Restatement (2nd) of
Conflicts § 307 to LLCs is a topic I explored in To Boldly Go Where You Have Not Been Told You May Go, 58 Baylor L. Rev. 205 (2006).
The court went on to reject the
notion that Ohio law does not address piercing of LLCs, citing Ossco Props, Ltd. v. United Commercial Prop
Group, LLC, 968 N.E.2d 535 (Ohio App. 2011) for the test to be there
applied. Applying that law, the Kentucky
Court of Appeals determined that the plaintiffs had not made out a case to
justify piercing, writing that:
In the case at bar, while Howell has
demonstrated Berling’s control over Westview and his other entities, but the
conduct complained of does not rise to the level of fraud, illegality or
unlawfulness. A careful review of the record discloses that Westview has merely
failed to pay an entity debt. The facts are that Westview purchased a tract of
land for approximately $287,000. Westview, presumably through Berling, secured
a loan in the amount of $1,000,000 from Bank of Kentucky to develop the
property. Berling further loaned over $485,000 to Westview, personally and
through other entities, some controlled by Berling and others not controlled.
The property in question is still owned by Westview. While this development has
not quite panned out as planned, and Howell's preference is to be paid a little
more promptly, it has a judgment which can undoubtedly be domesticated in Ohio.
And, presumably, Howell exercised diligence in maintaining its security in the
property by resort to Ohio’s mechanic’s lien statute. Ohio Rev. Code Ann. §§
No Piercing Even if Kentucky Law Applied
Having disposed of the case
under the properly applicable Ohio law, the court went on to consider whether
the result would be any different were Kentucky law applied, ultimately
determining it would not. While
obviously dicta, the Court of Appeals summarized the expanded test set forth in
Inter-Tel Technologies, Inc. v. Linn
Station Properties, LLC, 360 S.W.3d 152 (Ky. 2012), observing:
Again, Howell has established its
present inability to collect a debt owed. It has not established fraud or
unjust enrichment of the type demonstrated in Inter-Tel., i.e., the “squirrel[ing of]
assets into a liability-free corporation while heaping liabilities upon an
asset-free corporation [.]” Id. The record does not disclose that
Berling siphoned money or assets out of Westview. To the contrary, Berling put
money into Westview, primarily his own, in the form of unsecured loans. As
noted, Westview has assets in the form of a real estate development, and
Howell, as a judgment creditor of Westview, will presumably be able to collect
its judgment, with interest, as and when Westview’s property in Ohio is sold.
Piercing Kentucky LLCs
The Court of Appeals, in a
footnote, observed that “No reported Kentucky decision discusses the piercing
of an LLC entity.” While the aspects of
this decisions applying the Inter-Tel
analysis to these facts is obviously dicta, the Court of Appeals has at minimum
undercut the validity of its statement.
Rather, it might have been more accurate for it to state that “Prior to
this decision, no reported Kentucky decision discussing the piercing of an
LLC.” Regardless, this statement
obviously ignored (perhaps further evidencing its consignment to the dustbin of
history?) the decision rendered in Rednour
Properties, LLC v. Spangler Roofing Services, LLC, 2011 WL 2535330 (Ky.
App. 2011). Still, it bears noting that
in an unpublished trial court ruling written by now Justice Abramson of the
Kentucky Supreme Court, it was stated that:
While it is true that the foregoing
represents the law with respect to the liability of corporate officers and shareholders, equity and fairness require
that those same theories of liability [piercing and personal responsibility for
personally committed torts] should extend to managers and members of limited
liability companies as well.
Fabing v. E Concepts, LLC, Jef. Cir. Ct. (Div. 3) No. 01-CI-06835, Order Granting Plaintiff’s
Motion for Partial Summary Judgment entered June 9, 2003 (emphasis in original).
Obviously, much more remains to
be done with respect to clarifying how the Inter-Tel
analysis will be applied to LLCs.
Friday, November 2, 2012
Does the Rednour Decision Have Any Continuing Viability?
Does the Rednour
Decision Have Any Continuing Viability?
I have on several occasions been
asked whether the Rednour decision
continues, after Inter-Tel, to have any continuing viability. Cutting to the
chase, I believe the Rednour decision
should be now a dead letter with no continuing effect on Kentucky law.
Rednour is a
decision of the Kentucky Court of Appeals in which a divided panel upheld a
trial court’s determination to pierce the veil of an LLC. The decision is, at best, weak. Without engaging in any analysis, and
particularly failing to identify what fraud or injustice had taken place
vis-à-vis the plaintiff, the veil of the LLC was set aside on factors including
that the LLC had a single member, that the single member was the registered
agent, and that the LLC had been set up for liability protection and for tax
planning purposes. A detailed exposition
of the decision and its failings has been published in a three-part review
available here: LINK
2 and LINK
Inter-Tel Technologies v. Linn Station
In February of this year, the
Kentucky Supreme Court issued its unanimous decision (written by Justice
Abramson) in Inter-Tel Technologies v.
Linn Station Properties, 360 S.W.3d 152 (Ky. 2012), thereby adopting a
new test in Kentucky for piercing the veil, and in so doing superseded White v. Winchester Land Development, 584 S.W.2d 56 (Ky. App.
1979). Under the new test, a series of eleven factors are
examined as the first step in determining whether the veil of a corporation
should be pierced, namely:
(a) Does
the parent own all or most of stock of the subsidiary?
(b) Do
the parent and subsidiary corporations have common directors or officers?
(c) Does
the parent corporation finance the subsidiary?
(d) Did
the parent corporation subscribe to all of the capital stock of the subsidiary or otherwise cause its incorporation?
(e) Does
the subsidiary have grossly inadequate capital?
(f) Does
the parent pay the salaries and other expenses or losses of the subsidiary?
(g) Does
the subsidiary do no business except with the parent or does the subsidiary have no assets except those conveyed to it by the parent?
(h) Is
the subsidiary described by the parent (in papers or statements) as a department or division of the parent or is
the business or financial
responsibility of the subsidiary referred
to as the parent corporation’s own?
(i) Does
the parent use the property of the subsidiary as its own?
(j) Do
the directors or executives fail to act independently in the interest of the subsidiary, and do they
instead take orders from the parent, and
act in the parent’s interest?
(k) Are
the formal legal requirements of the subsidiary not observed? 360 S.W.3d
at 163-64.
Assuming some subset of those
factors have been sufficiently satisfied (the Supreme Court’s decision does not
identify either a minimum number of the factors that must be satisfied or
contain a weighting between them, although it did indicate that grossly
inadequate capital, egregious failures to see to required formalities and
disregard of the subsidiary’s separateness and domination of day-to-day
decisions were most crucial; 360 S.W.3d at 164), the second step
of the analysis can be undertaken, namely whether there has been a fraud or
injustice perpetuated upon the plaintiff. 360 S.W.3d at 163-65. Only if such a
fraud or injustice is shown is piercing then permitted.
Responses to Rednour
The plaintiff applied to the
Kentucky Supreme Court for discretionary review of the Rednour decision. The
Supreme Court denied discretionary review but did order that the decision of
the Court of Appeal’s not be
published; why the Supreme Court did not
remand the case for reconsideration in light of Inter-Tel is simply beyond me, but that is a discussion for another
day. In addition,
the 2012 General Assembly enacted amendments to both the business corporation
and LLC acts, each amendment providing, inter
alia, that the fact that a corporation has a single shareholder or that an
LLC has a single member is not of itself justification for setting aside the
otherwise applicable rule of limited liability. See 2012 Ky. Acts, ch. 81, § 88 (creating KRS § 271B.6-220(3));
id. § 105 (amending KRS § 275.150(1)).
As matters stand today as to the Rednour decision:
Kentucky Supreme Court has ordered the opinion not to be published;
General Assembly has expressly precluded (The Rednour decision was expressly identified to the Kentucky General
Assembly in the course of the explanation of the need for the statutory
amendments.) treating single shareholder/single member status,
of itself, as a justification for piercing;
factors set forth in Inter-Tel
justifying piercing do not include planning for liability protection;
factors set forth in Inter-Tel
justifying piercing do not include tax planning; and
notion that piercing is justified because the sole member is as well the
registered agent is so preposterous that it never should have been uttered but,
again, the Inter-Tel decision did not
identify that as a factor that justifies piercing.
Note, however, that there is unfortunate dicta in Inter-Tel that may be read to support
tax planning as a justification for piercing.
The Supreme Court noted (although it did not otherwise expand upon the
holding by the trial court) that piercing was available on the basis that ITS
was the instrumentality or alter-ego of its parents “operated by them to
achieve tax benefits and avoid various liabilities.” See, e.g., Slip op. at 3;
id. at 9 (“[Members of company
management] explained ITS was continued as a separate entity after its
acquisition by Technologies so that Inter-Tel could gain a tax advantage by
offsetting income from other subsidiaries against ITS’ net operating loss.”)
While manifestly dicta, this language unfortunately perpetuates the view that
the utilization of a distinct entity for the segregation of liabilities or for
achieving desired consequences under the tax code is somehow suspect and
justifies piercing. Hopefully, the point is no more than the utilization of a
subsidiary to generate tax advantages for the parent even as creditors go
unpaid is inequitable but not of itself sufficient to justify piercing.
None the less, it is my assessment that the Rednour should be treated as an aberration
having no further precedential value.
Montana Supreme Court Interprets Judicial Dissolution Statute and Upholds Order Dissolving LLC
Montana Supreme Court Interprets Judicial Dissolution Statute and Upholds Order Dissolving LLC
Here is another as always excellent analysis from Doug Batey.
It should be noted, however, that the standard for dissolution under the Montana LLC Act is quite different from the standard employed in the Kentucky LLC Act.
Here is another as always excellent analysis from Doug Batey.
It should be noted, however, that the standard for dissolution under the Montana LLC Act is quite different from the standard employed in the Kentucky LLC Act.
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